Old recipe from Amfissa – Delphi
• 1 kilo lamb or goat
• 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
• ¾ cup of olive oil
• 1 lemon (juice)
• 2 eggs
• salt and freshly ground pepper
• oregano
Cooked in 2 versions:
1. Wash the meat and cut into very small portions 20-30 g.
Put in a saucepan heat the oil and sauté the meat a bit more than normal.
Add water to cover the meat. Put the garlic, oregano, salt and pepper.
Half-cover the pot and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes until the liquid becomes porridge. Finally add the lemon and serve.
2. Alternatively stir 2 eggs with lemon in a separate bowl (don’t add lemon on the previous step). Add slowly 5-6 spoons of the porridge in the eggs and lemon mixture.
This procedure is called “avgolemono” in Greek kichen. When the “avgolemono” is warm enough from the porridge flood it into the pot and serve.